You can find here the latest news from the Ra:IN
concert in Paris on the 5th of May 2005.
1- PATA (X Japan) and Ra:IN autograph session at the
Hard Rock Café (Paris) - 5th of May 2005 !!
Prior to the concert at the Elysée Montmartre (Paris)
on the 5th of May 2005 , PATA (from X Japan), and his
band Ra:IN will make an autograph session at the Hard
Rock Café in Paris on the 4th may 2005 (beginning:
14h30).Showing your concert ticket will give you the
priority !
2- Buy 5 concert's tickets, get 6 !!
For any order of a pack of 5 concert's tickets (see
the "GET YOUR TICKETS" section) , Paris Visual Prod.
will offer a free ticket! For example, if you order 5
tickets, we will add for free one ticket (total : 6).
If you order 7, you will have a 8th place for free…if
you order 10 (2 pack of 5) we will offer 2 tickets ! !
Info: Please note that this offer is also available
for the Ticketnet network buyers. If you ordered at
least 5 tickets through Ticketnet, send us your
tickets number at
After checking, we will send you your(s) free
3- Up to 45% reduction on AIR FRANCE plane tickets
People attending to the Ra:IN concert in Paris (Elysée
Montmartre) on the 5th of May 2005 can take advantage
of a 25 to 45% reduction on their plane ticket public
price using AIR FRANCE (for a trip to Paris between
the 3rd and the 8th of May 2005 ).
To take the advantage of this offer:
- For Internet Pre-sales through the Paris Visual
Prod. website (this site): just send us your request
with your first and last name and also the ones for
the persons that will travel with you at
- For pre-sales through the ticketnet network: Send us
the number of your reservation and also the first and
last name of the persons that will travel at
We will immediatly send you a reservation code so you
can get the reduction on the public price at the AIR
FRANCE agency of your choice.
The Paris Visual Prod. Team
------------------------------------------------ Official event website: Ra:IN official website: Buy your ticket worlwide on ticketnet:
For any more question, please don't hesitate to get in
touch :